I've never seen one lie on the ceiling.
Anyway, I like cats. I had one for breakfast.
he sleeps funny sometimes.
i think he might be demon possesed or something.
I've never seen one lie on the ceiling.
Anyway, I like cats. I had one for breakfast.
i'm still sitting on the fence trying to figure out which direction to go in.
i think one of the reasons i have'nt left yet is because of the fact that i'm not entirely sure that the wts is really not god's organization.. some of the reasons why i feel that way is because of their insight on the scripture.
i've never heard of any other religion attempt to decipher the prophecies in the book of daniel and revelations.
Be free in Christ Leander. You are not bound by the conscience of men. One organization or denomination does not represent the body of Christ. Get the sense of what the Body Of Christ is composed.
You don't have to know everything, just to know that the WT could not be the only way to God, impossible. They are a false prophet, which is the same as divination. I know! I was a JW for 31 years.
As the Watchtower is so is Christendom; they are all in trouble I think. However, Christendom is not totalitarian. One can exercise their choice of right and wrong, their choice of conscience. A lot of what you have been taught is mis-infomation. You learned things from a false starting point, false inferences; and then they built on the lies. For example, the 607 date is nonsense. You will not find that information as a true source from anything.
The WT does not understand the Christian's relationship with Christ or how the Counselor works in their life. The Watchtower is between you and Jehovah, and they move Jesus to the side, and talk nothing about the Holy Spirit, as the reality of its affects one being born again.
The depth and breath of Bible secrets is not isolated to the WT. So, you can find the Revelation talk, for example me.
The WTS gives mis-information and they expresses it as truth, until they "learn new things." Actually they often just correct the lie.
Why is it difficult for people to leave this organization?....
Answer: They are often dependent in their personalities. The organization is their mother and they are in the third grade all their life. When one leaves, they grow up. The grace of God helps many to escape. Pray about this. Pray "I open up my mind and heart to the enabling of the Holy Spirit of God." God does hear prayers and answers them, especially in my case.
In Chirst, Thomas, a JW for 31 years, free since '93.
i have been dfd since i turned 19, i aux, pioneered for a short time and then selfishly went after the fruits of the flesh.
smoking, sex, drinking, drugs, etc.... the thing i couldn't, or wouldn't, see at the time was that i was acting selfishly.
it didn't matter what others in the cong.
You can do this if you reach out. Look at the position the Bible says a Christian has, as follows: [The WT doesn't teach this.}
It is good to learn exactly who a Christian becomes when he joins the Body of Christ and what GOD provides for him in his SON Jesus Christ, along with the enabling of the Holy Spirit. Too often, we do not understand what is happening to us spiritually. We really need to know what the scriptures explain about us after we are saved. We need to understand our new relationship with our Father, his Son, and the Holy Spirit.
These scriptures are a joyous encouragement and very up-building to a Christian or to anyone seeking to be a Christian: a platform from which to go forth and follow-through after being saved in our relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—something to make us better fathers, mothers, children, and neighbors, as we hold hands in the Mightiness of our Lord Jesus Christ.
It is good to read each declaration. Confess it aloud. Then read aloud each supporting scripture. Remember dear Christian, each scripture is about you personally. Please be encourage to look-up and read each scripture. Allow God’s Holy Spirit to minister these wonderful truths to you. You will be quickened, strengthened, and blessed.
1. I am a child of God; and therefore, an heir of God and a joint heir with His SON Jesus Christ. Since my God says this, I know that my inheritance can never be taken away. (Please read and study Romans 8:16-17; I John 1:3; Galatians 4:6-7).
2. I am a new creature in Christ. The old things of my past, lost life have passed away; and behold, God’s new Things have come into “my” life. (II Corinthians 5:17)
3. I have been forever accepted by God in his Son Jesus Christ, and I am declared by Him to be holy and blameless. (Romans 15:7; Ephesians 1:4) Since God’s Son—perfect in every way—created all things by the Word of His mouth, has accepted me now and forever, it does not matter very much to me if someone else has rejected me. This tells me that in Jesus Christ, I am a person of great worth to My God and Father.
4. I can never be rejected by My God because I am in His eternal Son, Jesus Christ. I am a member of God’s forever-family. He has declared that He will never desert me nor will He ever forsake me. (Hebrews 13:8)
It is good to know Jesus Christ is unchanging. He is the same yesterday and today, yes, and forever! (Hebrews 13:8)
5. I am confident for this very thing: that He (God) who began a good work (Jesus Christ) in me will continue to build and complete Christ’s likeness in me until the day of Jesus Christ (His return) (Philippians 1:6)
6. My God chose me in Jesus Christ before the foundation of the world. (Ephesians 1:4)
7. It never ceases to amaze me that my Father would draw me to his Son, Jesus Christ and give me faith to believe in Him and receive Him as my Lord and Savior. Thank you! (John 6:44; John 6:37; Romans 12:3)
8. I rejoice in the fact that my Father is able to do exceedingly and abundantly beyond all that I can ask or think, according to his power that works in me. (Ephesians 3:20).
9. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13).
10. I have been raised up with Jesus Christ, and I am seated in Him in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 2: 6)
11. I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. The life which I now live in this body, I live by faith in the Son of God who loves me, and delivered Himself up for me. (Galatians 2:20)
12. I have died and my life is hidden with Christ in God. (Colossians 3:3).
13. Jesus Christ has come into me and has given me His abundant life now. (John 10:10)
14. Blessed be the God and Father of my Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed me with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ (Ephesians 1:3).
15. Jesus Christ always lives to make intercession in prayer for me. (Hebrews 7:25).
16. I know that My God causes all things to work together for my good because I love Him and I have been called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28).
17. Nothing and no one shall over be able to separate me from God’s love which is in Christ Jesus my Lord. (Romans 8:39).
18. For it is God who is at work in me both to will and to do His good pleasure. (Philippians 2:13).
19. He foreknew me, and He also predestined me to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the first born among many brethren. (Romans 8:29).
20. The love of God has been poured forth within my heart through the Holy Spirit who has been given to me (Romans 5:5) Also, with the love that God has poured into my heart, I choose to love Him with all my heart, body, mind, and strength, and to love my neighbor (regardless who my neighbor is) as myself. (Matthew 22:37-40).
21. I thank you my God that you always lead me in your triumph in Christ. (II Corinthians 2:14).
22. I will overwhelmingly conquer all things through Christ because He loves me. (Romans 8:37).
23. I have been given authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions (Satan’s demons in type), and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt me. (Luke 10:19).
24. I am forever secure because I am seated in Christ. (Ephesians 2:6).
25. God will never condemn me. (John 5:24, Romans 8:1).
26. God declares me righteous. (Romans 3:22; Romans 4:22-25).
27. I have been made complete in Jesus Christ. From God’s point of view there is nothing missing—check me and see when I arrive on the scene in heaven! (Colossians 1:10)
28. I am already a citizen of heaven. I am already registered on the rolls! (Philippians 3:20)
29. I have been transferred out of Satan’s kingdom into God’s Kingdom! (Colossians 1:13)
30. I have been forgiven through the provision of the blood of Jesus Christ! (Ephesians 1:7; I John 1:7,9) Furthermore, He does not remember those past forgiven sings! (Hebrews 10:17).
31. God promises to supply all my needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19).
32. Thank you Heavenly Father for giving me exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these I may be a partaker of your divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. (II Peter 1:4).
Heavenly Father, it is thrilling to read that all of your promises have their “Yes” in my Lord Jesus Christ and that they are for your glory through me. (II Corinthians 1:20)
33. Thank you Lord Jesus for telling me that your words are eternal. You said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” (Matthew 4:35)
In Christ, TP
i just hate the way that so many people treat eachother, inside the org and out.
it bothers me so much, the way many treat eachother in this forum.. i hate all the baggage that we leave the organization with.
does anyone ever really get rid of it all?.
In Minneapolis / St. Paul, Minnesota
Wents ballroom dancing all the time.
Went back to college for 2 1/2 years.
Lived at the museums.
Lived at Barnes and Noble.
Went to lots of neat movies.
Posted name in singles columns.
Found Christ.
Went to the Zoo a lot.
Wrote a novel.
Hung out at cool and strange resturants.
Posted pictures and maps all over my walls.
Subscribed to a foreign newspaper and The Economist.
Went to great libraries of all sorts.
Became friends with professional people.
Studied people in homeless shelters.
Helped people learn English.
Actually, I think it is genetic. Sparrows can't spell either.
I reasoned once--WOW--that one reason language changes is that people fail to use it properly. A word can go from vulgar, to slang, to colloquial, to formal, it seems.
I hate it when people say, "Lie Berry." I sometimes look astonished and reply, "Is that something like a blueberry. [library]
Or perhaps like the word "inner net," I inquire, "Is that like the "inner ear." [internet]
anyone got any stupid questions they were asked or things that happened as a witness?.
when i was at school, a kid asked me "if you don't celebrate birthdays, how do you know how old you are?".
I was looking for my Ministry School bulletin. I figured the person next to me had taken it. I was INDIGNANT! HOW DARE HE TAKE MY BULLETIN!
Then I delicately, but directly, removed it from his hand while he was reading it. After all, who was he to take "MY" bulletin.
A minute later, as he watched, I discover mine; I HAD TAKEN HIS!!
RED-FACED, I gave him mine, since I had already put my name on his.
He leaned over to me and softly and politely asked,
"Did you like mine better?"
anyone got any stupid questions they were asked or things that happened as a witness?.
when i was at school, a kid asked me "if you don't celebrate birthdays, how do you know how old you are?".
During one of the first couple of days of my first field service activity, we were riding down the street when I exclaimed,
"Look, there's Sister Love."
Everyone was stretching their neck to find Sister Love.
Then I showed them the sign in a front yard.
It was an advertisement by a Fortune Teller.
your not an asshole.
consider sixofnine, patriot and fodeja as perfect examples of the validity of my point.
I think the little doggy is still eating his own vomit.
your not an asshole.
consider sixofnine, patriot and fodeja as perfect examples of the validity of my point.
I think some are the same rat in or out of the org.
A rat that jumps ship is still a rat.
anyone got any stupid questions they were asked or things that happened as a witness?.
when i was at school, a kid asked me "if you don't celebrate birthdays, how do you know how old you are?".
1. They had to decide who was Car Captain.
Duties were to decide who would get out of
the car, where the car would stop, and when
a call was over.
2. Then they wanted to have a co-Captain,
which was some kind of assistant to decide
what we would do in the car, when others
had left for a call.
Finally, I exclaimed, "CUT THE CRAP, LET'S GO."
I made a lot of friends on that day.